Using software to track different states of work and customers is a common practice in businesses large and small. Radiant Services uses a legacy custom built software to do all the hard work in the factory. The legacy system was only available on local machines and was not further maintainable.

Our objective on this project was to redesign the old software, transform it into a cloud-based architecture, and use new technologies to make it more scalable and maintainable. As with working on any legacy system, clarifying old workflows and processes was a major challenge on this project. Defining screens, features, access levels took much of the design phase.

This enterprise software was created with scalability and maintainability in mind. Meaning it can be further implemented in different scenarios and different businesses. We used accessible technologies like Python and React to develop our solutions. It makes it so much easier to find professional developers to develop and maintain the software. Since most of the users on this system are not familiar with computers, we developed simple shortcuts for every action on screens.